Under the sustainable Agricultural Program supported by Oracle, we’re working with farmers, students and agriculture enthusiasts in the remote parts of western Rajasthan. We are promoting prevalent sustainable practices, introducing alternatives, demonstrating scalable interventions and organising individuals into social venture collectives. In the last six years, we have set up a demo farm in our campus at Bajju, installed solar micro grids and biogas plants for sustainable energy impetus, formed seed banks owned by farmers, reached out to over 3500 farmers, setup a cow dairy for promoting milk and value added product value chain, azolla cultivation units, fodder units, organic fertiliser units, installed solar run machinery in the farm to name a few interventions.
Aimed at showcasing and inspiring farmers to adopt organic and sustainable farming and earning a profitable livelihood under the purview of environmental sustainability, the programme has been focussing on training, infrastructure development, exposure and handholding and organising farmers towards enterprises. We aim at transforming the practices and the attitudes towards responsibility and sustainability in agriculture to facilitate greener enterprises that enable participation from various stakeholders- through infrastructure, training and technology and knowledge support.
Aimed at showcasing and inspiring farmers to adopt organic and sustainable farming and earning a profitable livelihood under the purview of environmental sustainability, the programme has been focussing on training, infrastructure development, exposure and handholding and organising farmers towards enterprises. We aim at transforming the practices and the attitudes towards responsibility and sustainability in agriculture to facilitate greener enterprises that enable participation from various stakeholders- through infrastructure, training and technology and knowledge support.